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Career Advice

While every gig has its challenges, the Sunday morning church gig has some unique surprises that you won't find anywhere else. First, the sanctuary where you will be seated is a big echo chamber where the smallest sound carries forever. Sanctuaries can be drafty, be too hot, too cold, have horrible site lines, and a host of other surprises. Pack these supplies to keep you prepared for every scenario at your next church gig.

January is the perfect time to establish and reinforce some good habits, quit some old ones, reflect on all you've accomplished up to now, and examine what you would like to accomplish in the future. After all your reflections, what actions are you going to take?

Drum Corps is a very unique grouping of musicians that involves way more than just performing well on your instrument. Your audition packet will provide some insight into what your judges will be looking for, but what beyond the packet will you be tested on?

Audition season is upon us! Are you planning on auditioning for a performance degree? Preparation of mind and music is everything. Longtime trumpet teacher, performer, and Denis Wick artist Paul Archibald shares some advice for all brass students that is absolutely crucial to your audition preparation.

Does your mouthpiece support you in some situations but leave you hanging in others? What is it you really need from your mouthpiece and how do you bring that to your trumpet mouthpiece search? Learn about Denis Wick Artist Melvin Jones' journey to finding the mouthpiece that would support his needs as a commercial and lead trumpet player in this Transform2Perform interview.


Every pro has a moment where they stop thinking like a student and start thinking like a pro. What causes the change? Find out how it happened for Denis Wick trumpet artist Melvin Jones in this #transform2perform interview.


Sometimes the right school and the best opportunity just appears regardless of all your research and preparation. Find out how Denis Wick trumpet artist Melvin Jones found himself in the right place at the right time to audition for the best option for his future career in music performance in this Transform2Perform interview.